Kitchen Direction As Per Vastu

Kitchen Direction must be As Per the Vastu principle. Kitchens are an important part of every home. the kitchen gives health and happiness to the family members.

People in India think that Vaastu is very important when they design their kitchens because it helps keep the space in balance and harmony.

Vastu For kitchen

Lord of Fire Agni is said to be in the southeast direction of your home, which means that your kitchen should be in the southeast corner of your home. If for some reason you can’t go in that direction, you can go in the northwest direction.

The best location for kitchen as per Vaastu

Southeast or Northwest: Southeast or Northwest are the best directions to set up your home kitchen. When cooking on woodfired stoves was more common in the past, these corners were the most popular. If possible, avoid having your kitchen in the northeast.

An open-concept living area that can be accessed from other rooms is an excellent choice when the early morning sun enters the property from the North and East directions, respectively. It is thought that putting a kitchen in that location would be a waste of space.

 Kitchen Position As Per Vastu

Kitchen Direction As Per Vastu. People who want to get into the kitchen should put the doors in the north, east, or northeast direction. Kitchen doors should open in the direction of the clock. This helps most of the people who are right-handed.

The main windows in the kitchen should face the East, not the West. In view of the fact that early morning sunlight is considered helpful to health and that ultraviolet light is known to sterilize the cooking environment.

It is believed that east-facing windows allow for the free circulation of light, which helps to clear the kitchen of odors, germs, and gloom. This sunlight is also good for people who don’t go outside to enjoy it. Putting small kitchen windows in the South is a good place for them.

These windows also help with cross-ventilation, which is important because the kitchen makes a lot of odors and cooking vapors that can be replaced by fresh air.

Kitchen Vastu Tips and Kitchen Direction As Per Vastu

1. There are a lot of things in the kitchen that are fire-like, so the gas stoves, the cylinders, the microwave ovens, and the toasters should be in the southeast corner. Also, these things should be placed in a way that makes people face the east while cooking. Ganeshaspeaks says this will make sure there is good energy around.

2. It’s not good for the washbasins and cooking range, which includes the gas cylinder and oven, to be on the same platform or next to each other in a kitchen, because fire and water are opposites, which can have a bad effect on people’s behavior.

It can lead to fights between couples and family members that were not meant to happen.

Inside the kitchen, washbasins and the washing machine should be in a north or northeast direction. Water pipes and the kitchen drain should be in the same place.

3. However, an overhead tanker in the kitchen can’t face north or north-east. Vastu shastra says that the water tanker should be outside the kitchen in the western part of the house.

It’s important to keep a balance between fire and water in your home. If you keep water in balance, you’ll have more money and be more healthy.

4. The refrigerator should be placed in the southwest direction to help you deal with problems in life. It will also make the kitchen more peaceful.
Good luck and prosperity come when grains and other stock are stored in a south-west corner of the kitchen.

Vastu Colours for Kitchen

The kitchen is a sign of cleanliness. If you want to follow Vastu Shastra, then the best color is white, but don’t go overboard with the white color. People should not use too much red in the kitchen, because it makes their energy a little shaky.

Dark colors can make you depressed, so don’t use them in your home. Green, lemon yellow, and orange are also good colors for the kitchen because these are colors that are both nourishing and fire-like. In the kitchen, choose a white ceiling to make the room look more even. Make sure you don’t use any shades of black, grey, or blue in the kitchen.

A temple can be built in the kitchen, but only if you cook vegetarian food. If you don’t have a separate room, you can build one in the north/east corner of the kitchen.” Finally,

Ganeshaspeaks says, “If non-vegetarian food is being made, it is better not to keep a temple in the kitchen.” Vastu Shastra rules say that one can put the mandir to the left or right of the stove. Avoid putting the stove next to the mandir.

Vastu also says that the kitchen sink and stove should not be near or below the mandir. In the kitchen, don’t use black color at all. Light pastel colors are the best choice for this project, though.

Vastu Shastra is an ancient science that is now used in architecture and interior design to help people have more money in their homes. It is thought that the kitchen is the heart of positive energy in a home, and that healthy food is what gets rid of it.

In this case, painting your kitchen or adding a piece of furniture in a color that is good for the kitchen is the best thing to do for a harmonious, abundant life.

1: Orange –

Orange is said to make people happy, improve relationships, and give people power, so it’s a good color for your kitchen if you want to follow the rules of Vaastu when choosing a color for your kitchen. A kitchen should be placed so that it faces south-east.

A saffron orange tinge shows strength and courage, while a muted brick orange sends energy and stimulation into the room.
Vastu Colours for Kitchen

2: White:

White is thought to be a sign of purity and positivity. It’s also linked to cleanliness and light, which are important parts of a kitchen that works well.

Vastu Shastra says that white is the best color for walls and floors because it spreads positive energy. If your kitchen is in the northwest direction, choosing white will help you get good vibes.

There are three colors that are good for your kitchen, and they are all green. Green is the color of peace.

3. Green –

Green is the color of hope and harmony, so when you choose a color for your kitchen, think about it. It also has a lot in common with nature, which is good if you want to make your kitchen feel more peaceful.

When you use green in your kitchen, you’ll also get points from Feng Shui, which says that the color encourages good digestion.

4. Yellow-

The fourth color in this list of Vastu colors for the kitchen is yellow, which stands for freshness. It’s important to have a positive vibe in your home because yellow is a color that gives off energy, freshness, and happiness, according to Vastu.

In a kitchen that doesn’t get a lot of direct sunlight, the color is also a good choice because it doesn’t reflect the light and make it too bright.

When it comes to the colors of your kitchen, yellow is a good choice because it will send positive energy and make you happy.

5: Pink:

Pink encourages people to work together. Pink is a color that means love, which is a common feeling in kitchens of happy homes where people eat good food and talk. To keep the happy mood going around the house, add a little pink to your kitchen.

Pink is also a mix of sharp white and bright red, two colors that are important in the kitchen because of white means purity and red means fire.

6: Chocolate Brown:

Chocolate brown is a good color for a kitchen because it’s a color that’s warm. When it comes to choosing a color for your kitchen, chocolate isn’t a very common choice, but it can work.

However, this color is good for a kitchen because it makes people feel warm and happy, which is what a positive kitchen will make them feel. In a southwest-facing kitchen, brown tones work well. They also work well with a modern kitchen setup.

Kitchen Floor Colour as per Vastu

As per Vastu, the color of the kitchen floor should be the same as the color of the walls.
Vastu is very important when it comes to the color of your kitchen tables and slabs, and it can help you choose the right color.

In Vastu Shastra, you should use natural stones like quartz and granite on your kitchen table to make it good for you. In terms of colors for the kitchen, the best color for your kitchen slab is green. Yellow and orange work well, too.

Colors you Should Avoid in Your Kitchen

The heart of your home is the kitchen. By arranging your kitchen in a way that is in line with Vastu principles, you bring good energy into your home. Avoid black, grey, blue, brown, and white in your kitchen.

Vastu says that changing the colors in your kitchen is a good idea, even if it’s a small change like adding new surfaces or a big one like painting the walls.

Avoid having an all-white kitchen because it can make the room look dull and cold. A kitchen should always be pleasant to look at. In general, don’t build too many cabinets in dark colors, because this can make the space look small and crowded.

Platters that touch the north wall of the kitchen should be avoided, but Platters can be added to the southern wall. The loft should be on the west or south wall, not the east or north. Vastu says that having a water-filled pot in the kitchen helps keep money problems at bay, so do that.

The best thing to do if you can’t keep a big earthen pot is to get a small one. Make sure it’s filled with water and put it in the north or north-east part. Make sure you don’t use decorative decals if you want a long-lasting look. They may go out of style very quickly.

Read More -Sleeping Direction As Per Vastu

Make sure you don’t use dark colors in a small kitchen because it makes the space look bigger. They don’t work well together because one will make the other seem smaller than it is.

If the stove and sink are near each other, put a bone china vase in between them as a Vastu cure. Make sure that the windows face east or north so that natural light can come in.

The floor of the kitchen should be yellow, orange, rose, chocolate, or red. When the kitchen is built, the gas burner should not be in front of the main door.

Keep a broom out of the kitchen, and never keep it upright. Do not keep one in the kitchen. Keep it on the ground.

Which direction to face while cooking as per Vastu?

A person should cook facing east. So, things in the kitchen, like the gas stove and other appliances, should be placed so that when you cook, you face east.

West is another way to cook. To make sure the stove isn’t too close to a sink, put a bone china vase between them.

Vastu Shastra for the kitchen slab

If you want to use stone or marble for a kitchen slab, Vastu Shastra says that it’s better to use stone or marble, especially in black. In this case, the color of the kitchen slab depends on the direction the kitchen is facing. Green or brown slabs are good for kitchens in the east.

For a kitchen in the northeast, choose a yellow countertop. There are better slabs for a kitchen in the south or the southeast if they’re brown, red, or green.

It’s best to use a grey or yellow slab for a kitchen in the west. If you don’t want to have a kitchen in the north, don’t put it there. The kitchen slab should be green in this case.

Vastu Shastra Tips  for kitchen

  • There are some things you should and shouldn’t do when you use Vastu in your kitchen.
    Do not put a kitchen right next to or above a toilet.
  • The kitchen should not face the front door of the house. This is a rule.
    Keep medicines out of the kitchen.
  • Keep the kitchen clean. Clean the floor thoroughly and get rid of all the things you don’t need. Always throw away chipped or broken cups, plates, and pans.
  • You should always clean your kitchen and the utensils in the evening before you go to sleep. Make sure that the garbage can is always covered with a lid and that the dustbins are cleaned every so often.
  • Keep waste, like old newspapers, rags, and unwanted things, out of the kitchen. Tulsi, pudina, bamboo, or any plant that grows herbs should be in the kitchen window area, such as near the stove.
  • Avoid plants with thorns, because they can cause problems in the world around them, like fights.
  • Putting an Annapurna idol in a rice jar is a good way to honor the goddess of food.
  • People can also keep a picture of Annapurna Devi or a picture of fruit in their kitchen to make sure there is a lot of food.
  • People who cook in a well-organized and clean kitchen not only make cooking easier, but they also have a better mood when they do.
  • Putting a basket full of fruits next to the north side of the kitchen shows that there is a lot of food. Salt, turmeric, rice, and flour should always be in a kitchen, and they should always be there.
  • Vastu says that you should make sure that these are replaced before they run out. Because of the way Vastu thinks, don’t store salt in steel or iron utensils.
  • Salt should be kept in a glass pot or jar. This helps keep things peaceful at home and also helps keep money problems from coming up, too.
  • To make the kitchen feel good, make sure it smells good. Lemon peels, orange peels, or cinnamon sticks can be boiled to make an air freshener that is good for your health.
  • People who live in a house that makes money should keep the burners on their stoves clean. The kitchen should have a window to let the bad thoughts out. Also, put a vent in the east direction above the window to let the bad energy go.
  • Vastu says that the door to your kitchen should be in the east, north, or west direction. Always open the kitchen door in the same direction.
  • It’s important to make sure that all of the things in the kitchen that look like a fire area in the southeast part of the kitchen. These things include gas stoves, cylinders, microwaves, toasters, and more. They should not be kept on the same surface or next to each other in the kitchen. Fights between couples and family members can happen because fire and water are two different things.
  • In the kitchen, you should put the refrigerator in the southwest direction. This will help you get over obstacles in your life, and it will also help you keep your food fresh.
  • It’s important to keep the fridge well-organized, clean, and make sure it isn’t too full. if one has a lot of water in bottles, make sure to fill them up with fresh water often.
  • In Vastu, it’s best to store grains and other daily items in the southwest corner, because it brings good luck and money. Toss out empty containers, or fill them with grains and put them away.
  • Empty vessel jars, if any, should be kept in the North or East, or even the Northeast. To keep the positive energy going around, clean your kitchen cabinets, drawers, and other storage areas often.
  • Get rid of old food packets, stale things, chipped plates, or even broken equipment that doesn’t work, and start over.
  • If you keep ghee and cooking oil in the southeast and south parts of your kitchen, you’re more likely to have food in your kitchen.
  • As per kitchen Vastu, knives and scissors should be kept covered or inside a shelf. They should not be out in public. When you keep things like this out in the open, it can make your family and friends angry.
  • Always keep pickles in a place that isn’t visible, so that people don’t become sour.
  • A kitchen Vastu remedy is a way to get rid of a bad omen at home.

Vastu Remedies For Kitchen

  1. People who put a Jupiter crystal pyramid above their stove in the north-east or north direction can get rid of bad energy from Vastu dosha, which is bad for the kitchen.
  2. If the stove isn’t where Vastu Shastra says it should be, then paste a set of three zinc pyramids on the wall next to the stove.
  3. People should put white tiles under the stove if the kitchen floor is black.
  4. If your main door is facing your kitchen, you should hang a 50 mm crystal between your main door and your kitchen door, on the ceiling. This will make your kitchen better.
  5. Hang a 50 mm crystal in each corner of the ceiling of the kitchen to reduce the Vastu dosh caused by the wrong placement of the water tank.
  6. Because of Vastu, you should put a Mars crystal pyramid next to any electrical appliances in the kitchen that aren’t in the southeast, which is where they should be.
  7. The kitchen should be painted yellow if it is in the northeast direction, which is not good for Vastu. This will help to lessen the bad effects of the Vastu fault.
  8. It’s best to put a zinc metal “nine pyramids” on both sides of the wall that connects both the kitchen and bathroom. This will help cut down on bad Vastu.
  9. Crystals and yellow light bulbs can be used to solve this problem. The temple should be above the kitchen sink, so you should put the crystals and light bulbs there.
  10. If you want to fix Vastu doshas, you can also put small amounts of uncrushed sea salt on the ground. It takes in all the bad energy from your house.
  11. Replace the salt in the bowl often. The person who is cooking should not be near the kitchen door. The door should open in a clockwise direction, either to the east, north, or northeast. It should also open in a clockwise direction. Fix three Zinc Jupiter crystal pyramids on the wall next to the stove.

Q & A

  • Best Place For gas stove in the kitchen

Vastu says that the best place for a gas stove is in the southeast corner because this corner is where the fire is.

  • Best Place For the sink in a kitchen

Vastu says that the best place for a kitchen sink to be is in the north or northeast direction.

  • Which direction is the best for the kitchen?

The best direction for the kitchen is southeast.

  • Where should I put my dustbin in my kitchen?

For Vastu, good places to put dustbins in the kitchen are southwest, western, or northwest. This is because these are the best places to put dustbins.

  • Which color is best for a kitchen slab according to Vastu?

A green or brown slab would be best for an east-facing kitchen.
– For a south or southeast direction, red, brown, or green slabs are best.
– Green is the best color for the north. They should be yellow, white, orange and green.