Sleeping Direction As Per Vastu

Getting enough sleep with the right sleeping direction as per Vastu, at night is important for your body and makes you feel ready to start a new day. For a good night’s sleep, it’s important to check how your bedroom is set up and the direction you face when you sleep.

Vastu Shastra, an ancient system, has rules about which direction to sleep in. These rules can have a big impact on a person’s physical and mental health, so it’s important to follow them.

Importance Of Sleeping Direction As Per Vastu

The bedroom is one of the most private, personal, and important parts of anyone’s house. It is a place where people can get away from the world and relax. So having a well-designed bedroom is very important.

So, of course, the ancient science of architecture has a lot of literature and advice about where to sleep based on Vastu. In Shashtra’s view, many different aspects of space architecture and design come together when people sleep.

Consider the four main directions and the five main elements of nature when deciding which way to sleep. Earth, Air, Space, Water, and Fire are the five main elements of nature.

Your head and how it moves while you sleep can’t be overestimated. According to many consultants, Vastu’s sleep direction is very important in making sure that the person can sleep peacefully without any interruptions or mental hurdles.

Which Direction Is Best to Sleep?

VASTU SHASTRA says the best direction to sleep is toward the south. This principle is also supported by some recent research. In bed, your head is facing south, and your feet are facing north.

Sleeping in the East Direction

If you want to sleep well, you should put your head down in the east. This is because the rising sun is in this direction. For example, ancient architecture says that if you keep your head to the East, you’ll get a good night’s sleep and feel good about yourself.

Teachers and students also believe that the east is the best place to sleep. Because it boosts energy levels and helps improve memory.

Those who have problems remembering the details of their academic subjects can sleep with their head facing the East. It is the best direction to sleep for people who have health problems as per Vastu.

Sleeping in West Direction

According to Vastu, you should not sleep in the west.
People who study Vastu Shastra say that the West isn’t a good place for a person to sleep. Because it makes them restless and unhappy.

There are a lot of people who don’t want to go West, like young people and those who have problems with their own. However, not many people think that people who want to be famous and make a lot of money should sleep in the West, according to Vastu.

One can say that if you believe Vastu consultants, you should not sleep in the West direction.

Sleeping in North Direction

Vastu says that the worst place to sleep is in the North. No one should ever do that. Because Hinduism has a big influence on Vastu Shastra, the Vastu science thinks that only the dead rest with their head facing the North.

The North isn’t a good place to sleep because Earth’s magnetic forces pull positive energy from the body’s north (the brain) away from the person, making them sleepy.

In Vastu, it is important not to sleep in the North direction, because the magnetic force can also affect blood flow. If you want to sleep scientifically, you can also go any other way than North.

Sleeping in South Direction

Face south to really get the best sleep.
People all over the world think that the south is the best place to sleep, and it is also the best place to sleep as per Vastu.

The main reason the South is considered to be the best Sleeping Direction As Per Vastu is that Hinduism says that the South is ruled by a God named Yama.

Anyone who is having a hard time getting enough sleep and having a lot of anxiety should try to sleep with their head pointing to the Southside. This helped them get a lot of heavy and deep sleep.

It is also the best place to sleep as per Vastu. Negative energy from the south pole and positive energy from the head draw a lot of energy into the body, which makes people happy and helps them sleep well.

People who have high blood pressure or heart problems always ask o sleep in this direction.

Why  South is the Best Sleeping direction as per Vastu?

Cattle and deer naturally put their bodies in a north-south direction when they are eating or resting. This is what some research has found. Preliminary research also found that when people sleep in a southward-facing direction, their blood pressure goes down and their quality of sleep gets better.

According to some research and the Vastu Shastra, this may be because of the Earth’s electromagnetic field.

Vastu shastra is an old architectural tradition that originates in India.  and is still continue today. Architecture is viewed as a living creature by practitioners, who believe that structures can be constructed to be in harmony with the energy of the surrounding environment.

In Hindu mythology and beliefs, the human body has its own north and south poles, just like the Earth. This idea is based on this.

It’s said that if you sleep to the south, your body’s magnetic energy lines up with the Earth’s. Your “north pole,” which is your head, is directed in the direction of the Earth’s south pole, which means that poles that are opposed to each other can attract one other.

Read More – What Is Vastu?

A lot of people think that if you lie the other way, you have two poles facing each other, which can cause headaches and high blood pressure.

There is no evidence of a connection that sleep direction and headaches. but there is some evidence that people who sleep toward the south are less likely to have high blood pressure.

One study looked at people who slept in an east-west direction and people who slept north-south. After three months, people who slept north-south had lower blood pressure, better sleep quality, and more sleep overall.

This is because they slept in this direction. Because of this, researchers believe that sleeping in a manner that is aligned with Earth’s electromagnetic field may increase the quality of one’s restful sleep.

A recent study found that when people were exposed to manipulated electromagnetic fields, their brain waves changed.

This suggests that humans are sensitive to the Earth’s magnetic energy. People who have been exposed to magnetic fields while they were asleep haven’t had any problems with their sleep quality, but more research is still needed in this field.


Q1. Which is the best sleeping direction as per Vastu?

Vastu Shastra has had a big impact on how buildings and designs look for a long time. Vastu says that the best place to sleep is in the north, then in the east. They are said to help people get a good night’s sleep that doesn’t hurt their energy.

Q2. What is the Vastu-approved student sleeping position?

Ans. We think of people who have to handle a great deal of information and remember it as people who are good at that. Thus, the best place for them to be is Eastwards. Because the direction gives us a lot of blood flow and memory-boosting energies.

Q3. Which sleeping posture is Vastu Shastra advised against?

As per the Vastu Shastra, it’s not good to sleep with your head facing North. This is the worst place to sleep because Hindus believe that sleeping in the north is only for the dead.

Q4. According to Vastu Shastra, which direction is best for couples to sleep?

Ans. The Vastu Shastra has helped many couples design their home in a way that improves their lives. In Vastu, the right direction for partners to sleep is in the South or Southwest, not in the East or West. Sleeping with your head facing these directions will help you get a good night’s sleep and have a good attitude.

Q5. In Vastu, what is the best way to set up a bed?

For example, if you want to make your bedroom look good, you should think about where to put your bed. Because it’s not good to keep your head pointed toward the North.  Vastu says that the best place to go to bed is in the South-West.


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