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Sun in Sagittarius – 7 Hidden Secrets

People born between November 23 to December 20, have their Sun in Sagittarius in their horoscope.

Sun in Sagittarius Character

The people Sun in Sagittarius Man are moralistic, impulsive, full of versatility and eagerness, and have a positive outlook on life. They enjoy traveling and exploration. They are ambitious and optimistic, honorable, honest, trustworthy, truthful, generous, and sincere with a passion for justice and truth. 

The people who have their Sun in Sagittarius have very charming voices and benevolent personalities. They are ‘Yes’ man and never says ‘No’ to anyone. They don’t get demoralized by his failure. 

Read More – Sun In Libra

The Sun in Sagittarius woman does not like to harm any person and does social work too. They are noted for longevity, intuitiveness, and original thinkers. 

Sagittarius people cannot gain or be successful in Gambling, Race, and Stock-exchange businesses. They can be successful in the business of white and artistic gift items or textiles and metal. People of Sagittarius earn wealth after 36 years of age and also get parental property. 

Positive Quality: 

The people who have their Sun in Sagittarius are honest, tolerant, and friendly and trust and respect people.  They are kind and forgive people easily but are never proud. 

Negative Quality: 

The people who have their Sun in Sagittarius are indisciplined and never learns even from his/her mistake in the past. They like gambling and losing money. 

Sagittarius People do not keep their promises and do not have foresightedness hence, are unsuccessful. They have a quick temper and a biting tongue. 

Physical Appearance Sun in Sagittarius

The people who have their Sun in Sagittarius have darting and piercing eyes that are always likely to flash with laughter. While not particularly fashion-conscious, they look trendy. 

Sun in Sagittarius Relationships: 

The people who have their Sun in Sagittarius have a happy family life and Gemini or Arian girls will be suitable as a partner and also for success in their life. Leo and Libra can be helpful for him. They are tactless and can hurt with their brutal remarks. 

Sun in Sagittarius Profession

The people are successful in social administration, public relations, scientists, and musicians inquisitive. They work best with a tactful, organized business partner. 

Here are some occupations that he might consider, such as Academic, Adventure travel guide, Advisor, Astronaut, Consultant, Entrepreneur, Inventor, Humanitarian worker, Market researcher, or Senator. 


The people often fail to look before where he leaps, and as a result suffer quite a few bruises, pulled muscles, and broken bones. 

Ideal Partner: They needs to spend his life with organized and tolerant people, so his vibe is best with Aquarius or Libra. 

Compatible Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo. 

Incompatible Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Pisces.

Lucky Gem: Topaz. If he/she is feeling invincible, thank the Hessonite for it. This is a stone of power, and the world is for you to conquer.

Lucky Number: He should be sure of success with numbers 2, 3, 5, 6 & 8. 

Lucky Colour: Red, Light Blue, and cream. Wear Reds for warmth and energy.

Lucky Day: Thursday, Wednesday, and Friday. An old friend will brighten up an otherwise dreary Thursday. 

Flower: Holly