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Rahu in 2nd house – 27 Secrets Facts

We all know that the Rahu in 2nd house represents  Speech, capacity to talk, clarity of statement, family ancestry, household background, family bonds, family resources, finances, verbal pursuits, and confidence. 

Rahu is considered the planet of shadows. It is the significator of unfinished passion from a previous life, which will be fulfilled in this life. Rahu wants shortcuts and unequal treatment in order to attain his goals. Rahu, in the second house, is preoccupied with worldly prestige and fame.

When the Moon and Rahu are in the 2nd house, it gives negative results as Rahu and Moon are enemies to each other. Rahu will, however, have favorable effects if it is in the second house with Mercury, a friendly planet.

Rahu In 2nd House Personality

When Rahu in 2nd house, may have issues while having conversations. People may unintentionally hurt others’ feelings by using harsh words. 

They are kind-hearted people who believe in traditional values, but these qualities may not be recognized by others. And because of this, people may create gaps in their relations with their family members. 

People of Rahu in the 2nd house often live far away from home. Rahu is the planet of deception, planning, wisdom, and crispness. As a result, when Rahu is in the second house, the people will speak in a deceptive manner and utilize multiple meanings. 

As Rahu is a courageous planet, these people are at ease with mixing with people from different cultures, boosting their probability of victory overseas. 

At the age of 25-30, they may see a downfall in income. And to get the upper hand on their financial status, they may choose illegal ways to earn money. 

When Rahu is in the 2nd house, people may find it difficult to have a stable source of income. They should refrain from making big investments or taking money loans. However, the result may change if Rahu is under the aspect of any benefic planets. 

Rahu In 2nd House Marriage 

When Rahu is in The 2nd house, it may not give good results in terms of marriage. Their life partner may not remain faithful to you. It may lack trust, loyalty, and honesty, which can create large gaps in their understanding. 

Their life partner may be cheating on them. They may see the entry of a new person into your love relationship.

As per Vedic astrology, Rahu in the 2nd house may cause many difficulties in the n marriage, whether it is a fairy tale romance or a planned marriage. 

The Rahu in the 2nd house may give considerable problems for the native’s family and married life. A lack of serenity, loyalty, integrity, and problems of adultery are seen in married life. 

Their love partner may betray them, as they may crave sexual pleasure from an outsider. This could be a very bad position for Rahu in terms of your marriage relationship. 

Also, they may have speech issues which means words may hurt your partner. Simply said, Rahu in 2nd house marriage life will be filled up with sadness, anxiety, and depression.

The Rahu In 2nd House Career

People of Rahu in the 2nd house may not have any serious problems in their careers. They may do exceptionally well in the field of coaching and teaching. They may become a yoga instructor, Zumba instructors, gym trainers, or health dieticians.

 If Rahu is beneficial-placed in your 2nd house or if it is aspected by benefic planets, they may improve speaking and listening skills. They may learn foreign languages easily. 

People of Rahu in the 2nd house may break the norms to earn heavy wages. They may be involved in illegal activities. People of 2nd house Rahu are good at speculation, and therefore they can earn more profit through investments in the stock market. 

However, I advised them to avoid making large investments as it may not give them favorable outcomes in the future.

They will not be able to make much progress and money until they reach the age of thirty. These people will be having their jobs in the field of marketing and advertising sector. Managing finances and avoiding over expenditure in business will be difficult for these people.

Positive effects of Rahu in 2nd house

Rahu in 2nd house generally gives negative results to the person. However, the positive impacts can’t be overcome. 

The people are likely to be monetarily prosperous if Rahu is well-placed in the second house. They will have quick access to all of life’s materialistic pleasures and riches. 

They prefer to associate with those who are well-informed and economically fortunate. Furthermore, these people may be able to learn new dialects.

 Rahu in the second house is really positive for art collectors and deals in terms of ancient art and craft. The second house rules our speech of the people and the presence of Rahu in this area would be positive for them.

They will be able to influence people with their speech and will be able to alter their mindset as per their comfort. The people with Rahu in the 2nd house are attached to their family. They like spending time with their family. 

The people like socially privileged companies and are constantly trying to expand their knowledge in all areas of life. Rahu in the second house will probably cause the inhabitants to fall in love with words and musical instruments. 

Negative effects of Rahu in 2nd house

Rahu in the second house makes the person prone to acquiring more and more. This gives birth to credit issues. It is suggested to me that people with Rahu in the second house shouldn’t take loans until required urgently. 

Rahu in 2nd house also indicates diseases in the throat, mouth, and intestine areas. These diseases could turn into serious problems if not cured in time. Women with Rahu in the second house may develop problems in the uterus area.

Rahu is a negative planetary body, hence it will negatively affect the qualities that the second house stands for when it is placed in the second house. As a result, we can see negative changes in things like finances, family obligations, and other things. 

Read More – Rahu In 3rd House

The persons will be frugal with their money and spend it on unnecessary expenses. It’s possible that you lack judgment or a strong sense of proportion when it comes to your financial decisions. Due to their financial problems, they could also encounter legal issues. The roughness and impoliteness of the people may also make them unfavorable.

Rahu in 2nd house also gives the native a habit of irresponsible expenditure. Additionally, they might develop bad habits like gambling, lying, and being swayed by short-term deals, all of which will ultimately increase their long-term losses. It could be difficult for you to satisfy their family’s needs. 

Along with these detrimental effects, Rahu also causes phobia, phobias, and suicidal thoughts in the person. They can have a tendency to believe that you are unworthy of achievement in life. 

Rahu in 2nd house Remedies 

I personally suggest these remedies for one who seeks to curb the malefic effects of Rahu in the 2nd house:

  • Keep a silver ball with you at all times.
  • Don’t accept technological devices from your in-laws.
  • Honor your mum and other senior women.
  • Wear yellow clothing to lessen Rahu’s harmful effects.
  • Wear any sort of gold