Before Queen Elizabeth Horoscope analysis, we must know her perfect birth details. From the Internet and our research, we collect her birth details as below.
Queen Elizabeth Date Of Birth –
21.04.1926 At 01.26 Hrs. London
Queen Elizabeth Horoscope
Queen Elizabeth Horoscope Analysis
The queen has in her 5th house Taurus, whose lord Venus is a Yogkaraka planet (Lagna being Capricorn). 5 house is vacant, but is aspected by Lagna lord Saturn (also 2-11th lord) and by Jupiter from Lagna (doubly Neech bhang due to Mars& Moon).
Taurus is a feminine, earthy & fixed sign, which reveals its unique creative nature. She was born in the Dasha of Mercury-Venus, the two planets, which played a crucial role in her life. Debilitated & retrograde Mercury in 3rd house is 6-9th lord aspecting 9th house of luck to self & father.
Its dispositor Jupiter is in 1st house in identical degree with Lagna aspecting 5th &9th houses. Sun indicating royalty is exalted in 4 house of the throne as 8 lords aspected by exalted 4 lord Mars. These combinations suddenly made her father King of Britain and made her next in succession to the crown.
5th lord Venus is in the 2nd house of wealth & family in Subhkartari between Jupiter & Mercury. So the Dasha of Venus was equally rewarding. She got married to Prince Phillip on 20Nov47 during the Venus-Venus dasha.
The aspect of lagnesh Saturn & Jupiter, the karaka for wealth, children & luck, gave her four children (three sons & a daughter) & eight grandchildren. She became queen of Britain on 6Feb’52 during the dasha of Venus-Moon (7th Lord in 7th house of Padprapti).
She has many Rajyoga and Dhanyoga in her chart like 5h lord in 2d, lagnesh & Jupiter aspecting 5th
house, Gajkesari Yoga & Shashi-Mangal Yoga (both in 1- 7axis). These made her one of the wealthiest and most famous people.
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