Hasta Nakshatra Male And Female Personalities

Hasta Nakshatra Male And Female have good Personalities in their profession. Hasta nakshatra natives follow a complete discipline at your work. As per Vedic Astrology, the ruling planet for Hasta Nakshatra is Moon. It looks like a Palm of the hand. The Hindu deity for this Nakshatra is Sun.

Hasta Nakshatra Male And Female Personalities

Hasta nakshatra natives like discipline and face all the problems. They have a sharp mind. So they get many new ideas. 

 By nature, they are calm and have magnetism in personality. Hasta nakshatra natives are contented, social, and friendly. Extremely sharp in studies, they are the magician of words. 

The quality of understanding any subject is exclusive. Hasta nakshatra natives just settle down everywhere with few sweet words and have wittiness as well. 

In spite of having so much mental strength, they can’t take decisions immediately. As they love peace, they stay away from tiffs. 

Apart from job, they enjoy doing business more. They will be more successful here. And have a happy life and get respect from all. They are dedicated to their decision. Their decisions cannot be changed.

Hasta nakshatra natives just do what they feel like to. Usually, they don’t have to face any financial problems because they know very well how to save money.

Hasta nakshatra natives are peace lovers, and always ready to help others. 

There are many ups and downs in the family, but they always keep smiling. They are efficient in giving a lesson to people in a positive and fun way. Hasta nakshatra natives always stay active Mentally and physically.

 They have a joyful nature, but they don’t tolerate any mistakes. 

Your Family Life

Hasta nakshatra natives have an ideal conjugal life, but small issues related to married life are possible. life partner has nice behavior. Most probably, the first child will be a son.


Profession Of Hasta Nakshatra

Hasta Nakshatra Male And Female Personalities natives follow a complete discipline at your work. In anything, they just surpass everyone and they know how to prove this as well. Favorable professions for you are goldsmith; artisan and tradesman; acrobat; gymnast or circus artist; paper production related works; printing and publishing; share market; packaging; toy making; shop; clerk; banking; typist; physiotherapist; beauty products related works; doctor; psychologist; astrologer; works related to clothes; agriculture; gardening related works; radio and television; news anchoring; journalism; clay and ceramic related fields; etc.


Hasta Nakshatra Pada 1:

The first pada or quarter of this asterism 10o 00′ – 13″20′ Virgo falls in Aries Navamsa and is ruled by Mars. This pada gives abundant energy and makes one an expert at underhanded activities. Mathematical, Military, and Surgical skills are enhanced here. A well-placed Mars or Sun is strongest
in this pada.

Hasta Nakshatra Pada 2:

The second pada or quarter of Hasta Nakshatra in Astrology 2021 13″ 20′ – 16″ 40′ Virgo falls in Taurus Navamsa ruled by Venus. Honesty and morality are more developed here in comparison to other padas. This pada supports artistic activities. A well-placed Mercury Venus and Saturn give good results here.

Hasta Nakshatra Pada 3: 

The third pada or quarter of this asterism 160 40′ – 20″ 00′ Virgo falls in Gemini Navamsa ruled by Mercury. This is the pada of the merchant, trader, and business person. The emphasis here is on a career. This is the most dexterous and clever amongst Hasta’s padas. Well placed Mercury here gives extraordinary perception and intelligence. This pada is the most dextrous and clever. The native is intelligent.

Hasta Nakshatra Pada 4: 

The fourth pada or quarter of this asterism 20o 00′ – 23″ 20’Virgo falls in cancer Navamsa ruled by Moon. The focus here is on family life and communal co-existence. This pada promises material security but at the same time promotes suspicion towards anything foreign. The best and worst of Hasta manifests through this pada. Only a well-placed Jupiter gives strong results here especially in regards to having good progeny. This pada focus on family life promotes material security.

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Ascendant in Hasta  Nakshatra: 

Hasta Nakshatra in Astrology 2021 is a highly flexible and supple body capable of handling a variety of manual jobs, likable, sociable, entertaining, attractive, respected, and humanitarian.

Sun in Hasta Nakshatra:

 The native in this Hasta Nakshatra in Astrology 2021 is highly Influential, practical. He loves knowledge and writing, skills with hands, attention to detail, and has the good analytical ability.  

Moon in Hasta Nakshatra: 

The native of Hasta Nakshatra in Astrology 2021 is creative smiley faces, attractive, open Hearted, friendly, moody nature, sensitive, excellent memory. He can act according to the circumstances.

Mars in Hasta Nakshatra:

The native of Hasta Nakshatra in Astrology 2021 is determined, and goal-oriented. He is protective, disciplined, and works for social welfare. He is also stubborn and feels frustrated.

Mercury in Hasta Nakshatra:

The native of Hasta Nakshatra in Astrology 2021 is Business-minded, Intelligent, and good analytical power. He is good at writing and an expert in communications.

Jupiter in Hasta Nakshatra: 

The native of Hasta Nakshatra in Astrology 2021 has Interested in astrology and occult science. He is also a good teacher and healer. He is also good at palm reading.

Venus in Hasta Nakshatra: 

The native is Artistic in nature and has sweet speech. He is sincere and has Interested in listening to music. He is also a healer and good at cooking and household work.

Saturn in Hasta Nakshatra: 

The native of Hasta Nakshatra in Astrology 2021 is Practical and clever. He is organized and aptitude for trade. He is inclined toward intoxication and can write things for long hours.  

Rahu in Hasta Nakshatra:

Rahu placed in Hasta star the native try to control his destiny through his own efforts. The native has courage and confidence.

Ketu in Hasta Nakshatra:

 Ketu in Hasta brings a lot of frustrations into this life. Here Ketu deals with the conflicts of the mind and its illusions.